"Let me tell you what I think about bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. It gives women a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel.. the picture of free, untrammeled womanhood." ~ Susan B. Anthony

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Drop out

The fourth day on the bike this week.  Ride with the boys at 5:50am.  Seems to get later and later all the time.  Family is very supportive and set their alarms so they'd be awake after I got home! 

So...  out I go.  Pitch black, but tired enough that my nerves don't get the best of me.  At least not today.  We wait at the bridge for quite some time.  I don't think we even started riding until 5:55!!!  It will be nice when the days get longer again (no, the Winter Equinox is NOT 12/21, and I don't understand what the deal is and would really appreciate an explaination!)

chit chat w/ Alex and Tuan, and stretch.  My back is killing me and a good massage would do wonders.  Actually a chiropractor would be better... but...yeah...  I am in Vietnam.

Out we go.... 

I hang through and over the white bridge...yeah...

Then the next bridge....

Then the red bridge.... manage to even take the lead until I get blown away by Alex and nother on the left.  I am burning up and my thighs are on FIRE (oh, hurts SOOO GOOD!) but speed is 44kph, yeah!  I am back!  Speed is quickly reduced to 35kph....oopps...

Alex said, "The fast guys aren't here today, stay with the pack!"  So I fight.

but not hard enough.

The group doesn't know if they are turning or going straight...  for some reason, I had fallen slightly behind, but the indecision allows me to catch up.  Then we race to the end, I am one of the last on the turn around.  I don't know what it looks like as the construction is very busy.  So, I fall back but cut the corner sharp and improve position.  At this time, the peloton is a single line and who ever started the sprint is full speed and I am just getting back on the road...

I grab a truck,

aauugghh... more and more behind.  I know the result...  then at the light, there's full 3 lanes of traffic and teh Quan 4 guy is just day dreaming..  I yell at him to go.  Oh, I am going to be humilated if I can't catch up.

FINALLY, he gets out of the way, but at this time, the peloton is at the top fo the bridge, I am just approaching the bottom...hoping they are having some sort of rest/collection, I go as hard as I can...

but it's official,

I dropped out, got dropped, and in  my own words, just plain suck.

of all days, today was my day of success if I wanted it... but clearly I didn't fight hard enough, and I allow myself to fall back when tricky parts of the road approach (toll booth, turn around and scary intersection).  I have to trust my fellow riders or I will alwyas be in the back and always fall off.  I know I don't have the turbo it takes to catch a surge from so far behind.  I never have... its a gender issue I think.

and on the way home, the only thing through my head was, "I know the others would have stuck"  referring to all the girls I will race against in Thailand.

I need to toughen up, of just ride my market bike.  Its come to that!


Anonymous said...

if you can keep up with these guys, most definitely you will have a good chance in Thailand. Don't despair as things can only get better and hey, these guys never have been through labour to give birth...twice! Keep your chin up. Regards, Long.

Tina said...

Good point! My 2nd, 4.5kg...less then 2.5 hours! ha!

Thanks for the encouragement! As always! There are mountains near Phan Thiet/ Miu Ne area, looking for ways to climb them (and be a mom...that's the hard part!).. will call my friends at Phan Thiet Velo....