"Let me tell you what I think about bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. It gives women a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel.. the picture of free, untrammeled womanhood." ~ Susan B. Anthony

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chúc Mừng Năm Mới - Anh Linh Love School

So, last week I got an invitation from Sister Thuy at the Anh Linh Love School to attend their Tet celebration.  Of course, as most moms, I felt I was too busy to go. I have a lot of work, PTA, cycling, and just managing a house, husband, two kids and a dog!  But at the bottom of the invitation it says, "Your presence will be an encouragement to the children".... 

I was over 20 minutes late when I arrived.  I rode my bicycle and had been there many times, but that was always by taxi and I never paid attention to exactly WHERE we turn...  but I thought I was savvy enough to read the map and make it there...  well...  ha ha...

I had prepared 200 red envelopes for the kids.  I knew there were 188 kids in the elementary school and for some reason....thought it was enough....  I sent an email to the school letting them know I was coming and asked if it was enough.  Sister Thuy in her gracious way simply said, "Yes, we have 186 int he elementary school and another 89 in the middle school".... "Elementary is fine!"... Oh....@#$!@#%
So, at 8:00am I am running all over the neighborhood trying to get new 10,000 bills and more red envelopes.  Most banks are closed... text many friends asking what to do!!!  I can't come empty handed... of all the kids, the older ones are truly the ones that realize that things aren't really in their favor...

Thanks to the good guys at ANZ bank, they helped me stuff the remaining 40 envelopes when I had less then 10 minutes to get to the school....

Sadly, after all of that... I got lost!

Luckily, the show went on for nearly 2 hours.  So unfortunately, I missed a few of the singing and dancing, I got to see so much!

I went alone.  No one could come with me.  There were a few that I knew, the ES Principal and the old ES art teacher, Helen. 

The envelopes I prepared.

Candy that Jerri (the main benefactor for the school) had prepared along with "lucky money" too....

I think most all of the middle school kids sang and/or danced.

This angel is exactly that.... she left the school last year, but had the courage to come back and continue her education!  She was allowed to sit with us after during our lunch.

How can you NOT love that face?!?  So beautiful, so innocent, but definitely, a hard life to this point, or she wouldn't be here. 
Supermen were there... these boys were nothing short of amazing!

The girls so beautiful!

The children then receive their red envelops from the guests, and gifts donated and new uniforms.  The modest handful of items they received put huge smiles on their faces.  I also understand that they received some foods so that they would have something to eat for the two weeks they would not be attending school.  The children are all small for their age.  Malnutriution does that.  Poverty does that.

These kids, bring a joy and warmth to Sister Thuy.  They do to all of us visiting as well.  Sister Thuy has sought out these kids, advocated for them, and loves them so dearly.  She is a hard working woman.

To all the beautiful children at Anh Linh Love School:
Chúc Mừng Năm Mới

And to all the beautiful children not YET at Anh Linh Love School:
Chúc Mừng Năm Mới

Every child deserves a childhood!

Friday, January 28, 2011

An Intense, low mileage week

and I am exhausted... but not for the RIGHT reasons, for the WRONG reasons... again!  So frustrating!

Monday:  IP - intervals, 5 all out for 1.1km then recover the 5.4km to complete the circle.  The 6th lap, some guy wanted to talk with me....

Tuesday:  Skipped the humilation ride... Alex said he would do the bridge and if I wanted to come along.  Well, I've climbed about 100m in the last 2 months combined, seemed like a good idea.  Three rounds of the bridge... one climb completely standing... a success for an early season session, but still... PATHETIC!

Thursday:  Humilation ride with the boys... unbelieveable speed today.. After crossing the red bridge I see that there are at LEAST 30 guys at the 'triangle', and they were the BIG, FAST buys...  Holy Smokes...  I just trot along, get through the intersection.  It took them a while to group up.  I was quite a bit ahead (not a good idea, like to be with 3 or 4, better chance to stick)...  They whiz by me, the first group... then the 2nd group... and the BIG guys... by this time, I have my speed up to catch on and jump in... but at 48kph, my speed simply WAS NOT ENOUGH!

Cried my eyes out when I got home.  It was just too much.  The little voices in my head are telling me, "all the other girls would have stuck, why can't you?"... And with work being really busy and stressful, PTA with some recent unneccesary stresses, and being bitched out by a fellow mom....  some other things.. I just had it... emotionally... completely being obliterated out there just added salt to a very deep wound.  Look in the mirror and an old lady is looking back....  just a really bad day.  funny, I have so many, but couldn't contain my tears this day.... so the family had a look at their 'rock' that actually does fall apart sometimes. 

Friday:  4 laps in the IP.  Was suppose to go to Cat Lai w/ Alex, but I had been up late working, and thought I may need to conference w/ San Mateo office... so I cancelled and just did the IP.  Really boring.... but a recovery ride... the last three were quite intense.

All in all for the week:  140km... 160km shy of my goal.

Next week:  Miu Ne! 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mini me or Mini G?

Last Sunday, Gj took our son out to the Industrial Park for 3 laps!

 Gj said they averaged about 27 or so in the park.  NOt bad for little legs and little wheels.  Not to mention about 30km!
 He seems to be out growing the bike.
So... is the boy:  Mini ME (Tina) or Mini G (Gjermund)?.... hmmm

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Chúc Mừng Năm Mới - CLB Xe Dap Quan 7

I think the Vietnamese are the strongest people in the world.  How can a group of people be so strong, so fast on a bike,  yet, they are (I assume) much older then me (and, I AM not young anymore!)... they have a cigarette or two prior to the ride...

and blow me away... like I am standing still! 
(THANKS TO SPEED from XEDAP.ORG, as I took the pictures from that site)

 I got there closer to 11:00am...
 He never took his helmet off....
 cheers!  Moit, Hai, Ba... (cheers?)
 Aaauuhh out comes the singing!
 This lovely man, clearly, and elder of the 'club'.  Out here to celebrate the New Year with everyone. 
 Happy, singing...
 "Can we have a picture with you?"....o...kay....

But, notice the man getting on the bike behind the guy with the white hair.  I just spoke with him.  The man in the plaid shirt helped translate.  This old man was really, very old.  I would say in his 80's.  He had very few teeth left, and HE came up to ME to say hello and ask where I was from.  I look at him and think, what an incredible, beautiful human!  Clearly, he's lived more then enough of the world's pains with Vietnam through so much conflict, hunger, closed to the world, and all the trying times....  If I could only know what he's been through, what was life like....  and here he is... on a bike, at the 'club' wishing his younger brothers a Happy New Year! 

I am humbled!

 Outside, a little quieter (inside/outside, in Vietnam, its covered/uncovered...) we are on the Nguyen Van Linh...

 oops, out comes the DOUBLE BLACK lable.... even I got a shot! 
 This lady was lovely and her English was great!  She came out to talk w/ Claudia and I.
and the time:  about noon!  ha ha ha... I think that's the Vietnamese secret.... play hard, party hard, and to bed early!  No doubt, they'll tear up the road by 5:30am the next day!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The 5th day

on my bike this week. 

I am a little disappointed that my brand new Garmin is not keeping speed very well. I spent some time on the bridge adjusting the magnet and reader.  Interestingly enough, it DID keep the candance perfectly.

I had 100km on the docket.  I knew the speed would be fast.  I knew I'd get blown away.  I wasn't sure how to get to 100, but some combination of NVL loops and then to the IP for a cool down lap or two.

We take off.... Alex takes the lead, I follow.  Trying to hold his wheel.  Four of us make it through the light before the peloton that's just revving up.  Sure enough, "Mr. Hot Shot" in his tri position, no helmet is calling the shots.... attack, attack...they do.... I get sucked to the back like a vaccuum.  I envision they all have a great laugh that I come out week after week, and get sucked and spit out the back.  Perhaps I expect it and don't try as hard as I should. 

The speed was intense...  and no way to catch.  Mr. Discovery also falls out.  I follow him.  It seems to be the routine.  Again, I am slow on the turn around, I am slow on the intersections...  His tire blows at the toll booth on the way back.  I stop to see if he's alright, "I am okay, GO TINA, GO FAST!"... I put on my glasses, he looks up again and yells at me, "GO FAST TINA!"  okay...

I see Alex on the other side after the white bridge.... I turn at the first available turn after the tollbooth.  We ride 2 more laps together.  Then he heads home.  He already had 1/2 hour in before the 'race'.  "Wow, you loose a lot of time crossing an intersection"... "yup"... 

I dont' really know our speed through the laps, but just before the turn around of the 2nd lap with him (the 3rd), my legs are really burning and I am exhausted....  the speed seems intense... but it was probably only 30.  Who knows... 

I take a last lap.  No intension of going hard, but just want teh 3:30 on the bike.  Ran into Kristof and the Danish guy...  we chat and I waive them off, "I am finishing up 100, and I am out of gas, period"...

Hmmm....  I know the other girls would ride this ride much faster.... and they ahve actual hills.  I know my riding isn't good.... and I am not sucking wheel tight enough.  Its costing me everything.

Good ride.... encouraging?... kinda.  Glad to not have done the first 75 alone.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Drop out

The fourth day on the bike this week.  Ride with the boys at 5:50am.  Seems to get later and later all the time.  Family is very supportive and set their alarms so they'd be awake after I got home! 

So...  out I go.  Pitch black, but tired enough that my nerves don't get the best of me.  At least not today.  We wait at the bridge for quite some time.  I don't think we even started riding until 5:55!!!  It will be nice when the days get longer again (no, the Winter Equinox is NOT 12/21, and I don't understand what the deal is and would really appreciate an explaination!)

chit chat w/ Alex and Tuan, and stretch.  My back is killing me and a good massage would do wonders.  Actually a chiropractor would be better... but...yeah...  I am in Vietnam.

Out we go.... 

I hang through and over the white bridge...yeah...

Then the next bridge....

Then the red bridge.... manage to even take the lead until I get blown away by Alex and nother on the left.  I am burning up and my thighs are on FIRE (oh, hurts SOOO GOOD!) but speed is 44kph, yeah!  I am back!  Speed is quickly reduced to 35kph....oopps...

Alex said, "The fast guys aren't here today, stay with the pack!"  So I fight.

but not hard enough.

The group doesn't know if they are turning or going straight...  for some reason, I had fallen slightly behind, but the indecision allows me to catch up.  Then we race to the end, I am one of the last on the turn around.  I don't know what it looks like as the construction is very busy.  So, I fall back but cut the corner sharp and improve position.  At this time, the peloton is a single line and who ever started the sprint is full speed and I am just getting back on the road...

I grab a truck,

aauugghh... more and more behind.  I know the result...  then at the light, there's full 3 lanes of traffic and teh Quan 4 guy is just day dreaming..  I yell at him to go.  Oh, I am going to be humilated if I can't catch up.

FINALLY, he gets out of the way, but at this time, the peloton is at the top fo the bridge, I am just approaching the bottom...hoping they are having some sort of rest/collection, I go as hard as I can...

but it's official,

I dropped out, got dropped, and in  my own words, just plain suck.

of all days, today was my day of success if I wanted it... but clearly I didn't fight hard enough, and I allow myself to fall back when tricky parts of the road approach (toll booth, turn around and scary intersection).  I have to trust my fellow riders or I will alwyas be in the back and always fall off.  I know I don't have the turbo it takes to catch a surge from so far behind.  I never have... its a gender issue I think.

and on the way home, the only thing through my head was, "I know the others would have stuck"  referring to all the girls I will race against in Thailand.

I need to toughen up, of just ride my market bike.  Its come to that!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


is improving...and that's about ALL I have to say!  ha!
The after ride refreshment!  Fresh coconut water is one of the best things for you!  Every time drink this, I find my recovery is better then without.  These particular kinds of coconuts are sweet and the meat is really tasty... Yes, I know, also probably full of calories... but... its not that bad!

I had 90km on the docket for the day.  Alex was unable to ride.  Who else?  haven't touched base w/ Shannon yet, I think Rachel is out of town so.... that leaves me, myself, and I. 

On the way out, I was shaking and very jumpy.  Its the end of rush hour (as if you can differenciate bad from bad bad traffic here)... eventually I settle down.  With going solo and during work hours, my goal is just to get on the road and relax. 

It was a horrible slow ride....  I felt like Ricky Bobby in Talladega Nights after his crash when he was test driving his new car on the track after his crash....  the guys in the control room were saying, "Yeah.... he's up to 25mph now!"...  but he's all alone on the track and should be going 100! 

That's how I felt today.... my speed was slow, and I felt quite pathetic.

I eventually see a group of 20+ riders on the other side of the highway.  I am hoping they will catch up with me.  They are escorted by a motorcycle for safety.  Their speed isn't fast fast, and was really hoping to catch a ride.  It'd be good for me.

I never saw them again, perhaps they went to the East-West highway instead?  who knows....

I talk myself into going home after 50km.  I didn't have the nerve to even manage the traffic down to the park.  And, at my speed.... I'd be there for E V E R!!

Tomorrow will be better... I know I have to just get through this...

In time, it will pass!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Speed, Power, and my nerve

Three things I have seem to have lost.  The speed is just not there and I don't know what the deal is.... well, prehaps a lazy 6 months might have SOMETHING to do with it.  The power, when riding with the boys, they fly by me so fast, I am just shocked... and I am already doing 40+....  what the heck?

with everything I had.... will I even return to this? 200m before the finish....just about to be taken over, thank GOD I held 3rd...

I want THIS again.....1.4sec infront of 2nd place...

It will take a lot of power to get to that again!

So, yesterday, intervals in the industrial park. 1.1km as fast as I could.  Added bonus was that I had a head wind.  It doesn't really matter what my speed was as it was to practice the sprint.  4 of the 5 intervals were okay, but I need to jump out of my saddle a little quicker.

Still completely anxious about the crash.... found myself looking over my shoulder all the time to see if anyone was behind me.  NO SUDDEN MOVEMENTS....

This morning, I didn't get up to ride with the boys.  I didn't see the point to get up early just to be dropped....  Got an email from Alex, he said they are getting faster and faster...  I need to work harder and harder just to hang on the back for a minute second, I guess.  So, trainer for 1 hour... three intervals of 10 minutes....

I'll be back.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The 95km route

Seems to be my Saturday standard now (I guess, two Saturday's makes it routine?)

Lap 1:  Meet w/ boyz and hang on until I get dropped (depending on who is calling the shots - sometimes Mr. Hot Shot and I don't think he likes me calls the shots and depending on where I am after white bridge intersection will determine if I can hang to the turn around and/or a little after).  But yesterday, the speed was 48 and I was no longer hanging on...  I don't think Mr. Hot Shot was running the show, but Mr. Look and Alex was there.  Need less to say, I got dropped... and fairly quickly.  Mr. Discovery, and older guy fell back as well (these days, I am one of MANY who fall back) and he pulled me for quite a while.  When I tried to pull, he took the break for maybe 30 seconds and back in front.  Well, okay... I miss the wheel wheel pull when I fall out, so take the break. 

Lap 2:  Starting from the very end of Lap 1, out I do the 2nd lap.  And again, I meet up with a Singaporean triathlete....  I think Dominic, but not sure.  We chat for a minute, I get behind his wheel, but I am not able to stick.  After crazy intersection I was definitely gone.  Frustrating and embarassing like last week, but felt better at the 55km mark then I did last week....  I am not riding slow these 55km...  so...

Lap 3:  1/2 lap, turn before the red bridge so I don't have to deal w/ the traffic of rush hour. Good idea....  back out I go.  this time, I don't run any lights but take them as food/drink opportunities...

And, into the industrial park.  Just a very slow, cruisy lap around and home.  Had a panic attack in the traffic so I know it is going to take some time.

Bought myslef a coconut and headed home....  still, feeling like a rock star!  (a slow one, but definitely a rock star!)....

250km for the week... a nice progression.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Over the river and...

through the traffic, out I go again!

Okay, to be perfectly honest, prior to Wednesday's ride I was ready to throw up.  After Monday's hit, I was totally cool with cycling.  I was surprised the Gj was going to let me get up at 5am and ride with the boys.  As a matter of fact, he encouraged me to put on the same jersey to show the Quan 7 boys and see if I coudl get a new one. 

But, after creeping in bed, I was really quite sore.  To be honest, my right eye was a bit fuzzy and I was a little uncomfortable with this.  And, as with all crashes where your head hit pavement, its best to be woken up a few time during the night to ensure you are okay.  I didn't get knocked out so there was very little risk, but none the less... 

Gj said, "I think you should just take the day off".  I agreed.  Knowing this gave my mind more time to process what happened and little devil rider would remind me to be scared on the road.  Often after the bruises heal, the mind has a way to go.  So, I talked myself into the fact it was my fault.

I kept the current plan....  bike was okay, I was okay, and had made an arrangement to ride w/ Alex to Cat Lai, cross the river with the ferry and see what's out there.  I had heard from others there was some good riding over there (funny how I HEARD about it, but no bothered to TELL me about it.... but people often ASK me for new info.... well....) 

I meet up with Alex at 7:45am.... I put my new GARMIN on my bike and really want to puke.  I am just freaked about traffic, but tell myself to relax.

Cross the Phu My Bridge, and head south to the ferry.  Only 12.5km to the ferry and the roads are passable.  The horrible road from the bridge to the main road seems to have improved enough to where you do not need a mountain bike (remember, these ARE the Vietnamese commuting roads and all the heavy truck traffice flows here)....

Ride right onto the ferry, 1,000vnd (about .05USD) to cross... 
Murky waters of the Saigon River (not a tributary, but the ACTUAL river)

 This boad has a Danish Flag on it....  amusing
My bike decked out w/ the Garmin, but have Polar as a back up.  Barely had a chance to figure it out.

After crossign the ferry, the decided route turned out to not be a good one.  We went straight, but hoping to take a right, follow the river until the road looped back around and took us back to the ferry.  Well, if teh road is on ONE map but not another... good chance the road doesn't exist.

Alex leads and probably furstrated as he doesn't know what speed to keep....  I ask him to just lead don't worry about me, but I do a lot better if another cyclist is in front.  My reaction time isn't as good and still quite nervous after Monday's crass.  But, when we turn on to the lesser traveled road, I take the lead and we pick up our speed a bit.  Great country road between rice fields and very few cars, trucks, or motorcycles.  But that quickly gave into sand/dirt and we were forced to turn around.

In all about 70km, took forever...  but well worth it.  Thanks Alex for heading out there and being patient w/ my slow riding.  Looking over the maps again, we will try another route after the ferry crossing.

Not being on the Nguyen Van Linh, hip hip horray.  I do see potential for some great riding here!

Monday, January 10, 2011

My 5th crash

And yet, all I can think about it my next ride...  I guess I am a junkie...

My first crash was because Xiao Hung was a head of me in the paceline, he went down, I was went down even trying to avoid...

My 2nd crash was just after I found out I was moving to Vietnam, only 1km from home, a scooter crossed the street and just stopped.... 

The 3rd crash happened on the Nguyen Van Linh highway, crossing crazy intersection, I got nicked on the back wheel and was slamming my breaks as I knew I was going down...

The 4th was on the 1st day of last year's Tour of Friendship... the guy in front of me swerved to miss something totally taking me out!  that was an expensive crash as I STILL need to replace my front break lever, but Campy Record, isn't cheap!

Then there was today!  today... of all days.... 

I am feeling SOOO GOOD!  After Saturday's ride, I had a 12 hour sleep and woke up feeling like a rock star!  I am not tired any more, and I am going to TRAIN!

So, I set out for about 60km... I saw some dude on a mountain bike who was just cruising through crazy scooter lane.  I catch up with him and he is married to a teacher at school.  He is subbing awaiting for a permanent position.  We chat... our speed is great!  I am so happy to have someone to talk with.  We finish the lap, he goes home, I head over the bridge.

I start my next lap again, so pleased with how I feel and my average speed is quite decent for riding mostly solo.  I choose crazy scooter lane as the truck lane has TOO much traffic at this time of the day.  I remember thinking to myself... "If I crash with a truck , I probably won't survive, but a scooter, I will.   In the early morning, there aren't many, if any trucks, so why go in the scooter lane?  But after 8am, there are LOTS of trucks and why risk it?  also, the scooters are quite behaved (unlike the early morning).

GEtting towards the end of out part of my 2nd lap, I start to feel very tired.  I don't know if it is the wind, but all of a sudden my bike feels super sluggish.  Just like Saturday (but that was the Opera and there WAS a small issue).  So I start to veer to the right as I want to get off my bike and check a few things out.

Either I didn't clearly look when I was veering to the right, or the guy on his motorbike didn't see me...  he hits me dead on the back wheel....

I crash!  I remember falling to the ground and so many things go through my head:
-DAMN IT!  This is really going to ruin my ride!
-DAMN IT!  I hope my wheels aren't damaged!
then I hit the ground,
am I okay?  what hurts?  I can't believe this...
I just lay there for a moment, then I slowly get up...
there is a small crowd around me.

the man who hit me also crashed.  I believe he was very sorry and felt very bad.  There was no laughing.  He said to me in English, "I am sorry".  I knew he was.  Maybe it was my fault, maybe his... it was an accident.

The women who appeard out of no where help me get my bike off the ground.  They are touching me and looking concerned.  One starts to put bandades on my knee...  (how sweet!)  They want to ask if I am okay.

I get out my phone, but who am I goign to call?  Gjermund can't help me and he will really worry!  It's better to tell him when I get home.  Mr. Cuong?  What can he do?  I can't ask for damages, he has damages too... if I ask him to replace my helmet, it may be close to 1/2 of his monthly salary.

He is genuinely sorry.
They are all concerned.

I tell them I am okay and it is okay.  My chain fell so we put it back on.  I spin the wheels, adjust my front brakes and the bike appears to be okay.

I guess I ride home.

I go to the top of the bridge I was on and just look over for a few minutes and have a little cry... I am so mad as I know I will be sore, maybe there is damage to my bike, my helmet is broke, and my nerves are probably shattered.  Gjermund always fears me crashing and I always come up unscathed... jsut some bike damage.  How will he react?  If he asks me to take a break from my bike, I will.  But, I don't want to.

I was so excited, I found a new rider who is also available during the weekdays!  Wednesday, I am going to check out a new route that will get us off the NVL and see something more exciting then scooters and heavy trucks. 

District 7 boys just gave me their jersey!  Now, its ruined.

 Home safe.
 The bandaids the old lady put on seemed to fall off on my ride back home... 
 You can see the deep crack/break...  Thank  you Giro!  You did your job.  No one plans to get hit, no one plans to crash, but when you do, its best to be prepared!
 more damage.
 Can't really see the other smaller cracks.
 Will ask the teachers if I can show the kiddies my helmet as a safety lesson.  Do you think someone can learn something from this?  If someone puts on a helmet and we can promote bicycle safety for our kids at school, the crash was well worth it!

The jersey....

Saturday, January 8, 2011

85km today

making it 150 for the week.  Its a start.

Thursday, 4 laps in the industrial park.

Friday, met who ever shows at the RMIT bridge.... didn't ride w/ the boys because I was still soooooo jet lagged!  But, one caught up with me and we rotated about 40kph for 10km.  He turned at the intersection prior to where we normally do... I didn't know why, but at 6am,  you don't ask (and of course, neither of us had the language still to talk ANYWAY!)...  well, I figured out why, it was a gravel pit.  That's the problem.  Regardless... I'd call Day #2 a success!

Today!!!  Last night was a New Year's Party for Nike.  So, we went... and I had a glass or two, or three (since they fill up your glass before you have a chance to finish it, you never know exactly how much you had to drink)....  But, I was going to do it!

PERIOD!  Its a LONG road back.....  it's gonna suck, so I had BEST get started!

I started with the boys at 6:00am... I hung!  Not until AFTER the turn around did I start to full back.  My thighs were burning... but many of the others were falling out too!  (not that I am happy about that, but just glad to know it WASN'T just me)...  speed was good!

Took a 2nd lap...

Then 1/2 of a 3rd lap....

At the beginning of the 3rd lap, I started to get dizzy and totally hit the wall.  All of a sudden it was like my bike stopped going forward.  Oh... so tired!  Press on... PRESS ON!

I got passed by some guy on a tri bike.  He knew me, but I didn't remember him.  I might know....  I was mortified that I couldn't keep up with him....  he was only going 35....  Oh well... I thought!  I will, I can, and I will be back!

Finish off at the Industrial Park for 1 cool down lap and just get the mileage in.  I was doing about 25kph in there as I was just getting some time on the bike.  I wanted 3 hours... and I got it!

For the first 55km, my average speed was good!  I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed the ride...

but now...


Thursday, January 6, 2011

1st ride of 2011

35km - woot woot!

After 6 months of 'not feeling well', one thing after another... I have a green light!  I am going for it!  But, I have so far to go to catch up!

After the summer, I started to have problems.... I had ultrasounds, a biopsy, and several doctors appointments.  My thyroid level was high, high/normal... so on thyroid meds I go.  It didn't help, it didn't stop my 5 month period.  I was getting E X H A U S T E D!.....  So tired (a 50km easy ride felt like a 100km RACE)...

PTA President takes as much time as I want it too.... well, I gave it all I had.  The Charity Bazaar is a testimant to my passion for our PTA events, and our school.  Just as I would be feeling better, an event would come up and I am off the bike for 1 week, then 10 days, then at times over 2 weeks.

The doctor in HCMC told me that my iron was low, but okay.

Then.... Christmas Vacation, we went to the US.  Again, off the bike for nearly 3 weeks!  AAUUGGHH...  while in Beaverton, getting ready for one doctor's appointment I found a lump under my breast.  Needless to say, I freaked out!  It didn't seem to go away after a few days...  and it HURT!  My mom thought it was a cyst... and... after a mammogram and ultrasound, yup, a cyst.... nothing to be concerned about, but should be removed at some point.


So, today, on my bike, 35kms... whoo hoo!  Considerably jet lagged, but got out there.  I am sure I will be sore.

I have finally stopped the 'period' from hell...
I am on iron and vitamins...
I am on birth control to keep the 'period' in check...
I am faithfully recovering after rides the way I am suppose to....
I am watching my diet to maximize good quality fruits/vegetables/protein sources

I just really hope.... I can race in Thailand this year!