"Let me tell you what I think about bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. It gives women a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel.. the picture of free, untrammeled womanhood." ~ Susan B. Anthony

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mui Ne - Day 1

Sometimes the reason I 'put up' with the Nguyen Van Linh highway is to be in decent condition.... good enough condition to ride in Miu Ne!  Oh....  it is soooo awesome.  It is really harder to think of a better place, yes, better then Taiwan, yes, at time, better the where I live in the US....

Ocean on one side, sand dunes on the other, sun beating down on me, a coconut, beach and maybe a beer waiting for me afterwards.... tell me there IS better riding and I will NOT believe you!

Day 1:
 My BFA...ha ha...  there's a bit of a head wind.  NOT enjoying the headwind.  It makes the average speed slower.  All I see from the other girls is there average speeds... and I know mine falls deeply short!  But, I don't have a wheel (regardless the size of my husband, he is NOT a group rider and he is NOT a steady wheel to be one....I try to remind him, but at no avail.... I was on his wheel and the next thing I know he's bending over trying to wipe something off his front time!)  I give him a good, "wife nagging", but... the memory of crashing is still too fresh on my old body!

 At the turn around point.

 On the way back.  This out and back is about 58km.  However, I already had 55km in when I met up with him.  I was feeling soooo good, regardless of the speed. I still beat him up any hill longer then 200m in length and definitely, the long big hills on the way home... Even did the "look over dropped shoulder - 'are you coming?'" look to him.... oh... years of that demeaning look.....  LOVE IT! (I am only teasing, of course... he is thrilled when I can out climb him).

105km, 995m climbing.... to the beach, coconut, spring rolls and some ocean time!

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