"Let me tell you what I think about bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. It gives women a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel.. the picture of free, untrammeled womanhood." ~ Susan B. Anthony

Sunday, May 20, 2012

2012 Tour of Friendship Stage 3, Redemption...? No.

Putting the day before behind me, realizing I have nothing to be worried about and relax... I am hoping this will be my day to shine.

Training on our bridge had gone well, so I thought... went to VT twice to climb the mountain there and I am a confident climber... I never doubt myself, I NEVER worry about how I feel, I just go for it.

We pull out of the resort and it is game on.  We immediately drop four girls.  They had no idea what hit them.

It was fast, I was a bit surprised.  The undulating terrain was a constant surge/slow/surge/slow

And as advertised, at 39.0km came 'the hill'.  3km with 8% average (or something like that...)  As usual, not in the best spot for climbing, but .... hey.... I am a climber, right?






I am doing all I can to hang, but I don't.  The leader is out of sight, I am not passing all the big boys I used to two years ago, this is NOT easy.

Is it the HEAT?
Is it the fact I rode  SOLO for 85km yeaterday w/ a head wind
Is it that our training area SUCKS?

I am shocked....and a weeee bit mortified to be honest.  I can't believe what is happening... I am climbing in slow motion... Now I aim to pass Siw Haller.  If I don't get a lot of time on her, she'll drown me int he down hill and obliterate me on the flat... I manage to muster enough energy to put 30 seconds on her, but haul ass down hill.... sadly, my @$$ is too slow.... 1/2 way down, she catches me w/ a string of guys... I can't even hold their wheel.

Eventually, I get back on.  We are four then six people.  I see Glenn, my Hong Kong expat, Mui Ne buddy, Paul Dalton who we had a few jokes together earlier...  This is great.  We just ride to the turn aruond...

In the middle of this, I realize.... it will be Siw and I for the last 20km.  I am trying to figure out how to beat her with this.... its a flat finish....she's the queen of sprints and I am the queen of mediocraty!  What am I going to do...

I am sure she's thinking of how to drop me.

After the turn, I fall back a little to see what the game plan is...dare she go alone without me?  Dare she not? She does as I thought, not go at it alone.  Maybe she could have dropped me but with some of the hills, I doubt it.  She opts to keep me.  Okay.

We will finish together.... but I know the sprint is a bit out of my reach.

and it was...


Redemption?  No...not at all!

At the awards dinner, I simply say to Alex, "TEACH ME HOW TO SPRINT"!

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