"Let me tell you what I think about bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. It gives women a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel.. the picture of free, untrammeled womanhood." ~ Susan B. Anthony

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tri Training Week 3

Week three and some milestones to celebrate!

I didn't quit running!
I didn't quit swimming!

I don't hate riding!


We were in Mui Ne.... still high on life with Eirik's 2nd place finish.  I rode by myself (as usual) and out the door at 6:30am.  At times, nearly in tears with how proud I am with my kids.  Eirik so grateful, Emily so supportive!  Feeling pretty lucky!  70km, 460m climbing, not a good average speed, but had a headwind.

Monday:  REST

Tuesday:  Ran 10km!!!  It took me 1:06 (terribly slow, but I did it!).  I needed two walks, no more then 1 minute each.  The heat was pretty intense.

Wednesday:  Rode 55km - two NVL loops solo

Thursday:  30km w/ boys, 1350m swimming in the afternoon.  350m more then prior swim.  All freestyle and no flippers. 

Friday:  5km run

Saturday:  58km ride, 305m climbing, nearly 30kph average. Okay considering traffic.  Speed in peloton was good.  I did one bridge loop prior to meeting the boys, and two afterwards.  Met Alex on the 2nd and he pushed me.... I didn't push on the way back. 

Swim:  1.35km
Bike:  212kim
Run:  15km


liao said...

I used do regular 3km run daily but it was more than 4 years ago. Right when I started getting into cycling.

I don't even seem to remember whether I've ever done a 5k. Used to think of 400m as an awfully long enough distance!

Tina said...

I think running is still very painful! I don't enjoy it, but always glad when I finish. And here, it seems to be safer and you can get a good workout....

Swimming on the other hand... I just need to NOT quit swimming!

liao said...

Painful... hmmm maybe but it seems to stress (and thus train) one's cardio-vascular abilities much more easily.

Tina said...

Mentally painful, not physically! ha ha...not to mention... B O R I N G!