I haven't decided if I will go back to my old self-serving selfish ways or not. The immediate gratification of serving myself over everyone else sometimes isn't so bad, right? I mean, why shoudl I care, there are enough people in the world to care, right? It really ISN'T my problem... It's certainly not MY fault....
No, I am sorry....not today, not today.
there is only 2 days prior to the Bazaar and I am freaking out. It has been a growing experience of epic portions. I never knew I could do what I have done. That said, had I not gone and seen the babies of poor families that need a life changing operation, visited the school that gives kids a 2nd chance who would otherwise be thrown to the street, seen a 15 year old kid after becoming permanently disabled turning that into a positive thing for the Vietnamese people (he's Korean, an expat living HERE), seeing the hours our school kids volunteer to give orphan kids a fun day, and see the rudimentary, poor rural conditions some have to call home....
it gives me a back bone.
Like parenting... sometimes, you just have to get a little uncomfortable. Every night, I go to sleep in a bed with a stomach full of food and I don't worry about the water I drank. though it is hot enough here to really not NEED clothes... I have clothes to wear....
if gives me a back bone!
Its been a really tough week. I am in complete awe with our team, Delma, Linda, Quoc, Helen, Teresa, Bich, Theresa, Lisa, and Katie... week after week, they continue to amaze me with the same effort and eagerness.... we squabble over this and that.... we have had 1st hand corruption, etc....
In the end, I hope it is worth it.