Started off with a great hike in the Olympic Mountains in Washington state. Our cabin is on the Puget Sound and we are just a few short miles form the Olympics and great hiking!
A view of the canal from my mom's deck.
As far as we could go up Mt. Elinor. We weren't counting on the snow, but glad it was there. It had been over 6 years since we'd been in snow, and it was AWESOME!
The Haugbro bunch...
My best girlfriend Tandi. Her family spent the 4th with us in our little, itty, bitty cabin. We had 11 total. Gj and I slept in a tent in the yard!!! It was awesome.
The girls had a swim. The Canal was so cold (it is salt water) because the weather has been so cold and wet all spring, they had to wear wet suits.
Later that day, we had a scavenger hunt! Clues were set throughout the neighborhood. We had 30 people participating and split into 5 teams... randomly picked. I ended up on a team with my cousin's daughter's boyfriend... and over acheiver like me, my cousin simply said, "That team will win"... and you guessed it.... WE WON! The organizers were shocked at the speed all of us took off at. We had all ages of people, 3 years to 55 years old. All of us took off! The first clue sent our team to my house... we all were wearing flip flops, many of us already had a beer or two in us and some were.... uh...hum... out of shape. No excuse...
Some stations you had to perform a task, some just find the missing object by solving the riddle.
We had a golf ball hit, everyone had three chances to hit the golf ball into the boat in the canal. And for the 3rd year in a row.... no one got it.
Then it was dinner... hamburgers and hot dogs, what else would you have on the 4th of July?
dancing the 'electric slide'.... meanwhile boys were in the back singing and playing...
my cousin and I
It was freezing for us.... the temperature is a little cooler in Washington on the water then it is in Oregon, but coming from Vietnam for over 10 months... we were simply FREEZING!